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In the shadow of the moon film

Views: 3549
Posted by sexyonjeans
17 years ago
Tags: movie, film, shadow, apollo, vertigo, poster

In the shadow of the moon film

In the Shadow of the Moon" is an intimate epic, which vividly communicates the daring and the danger, the pride and the passion, of this extraordinary era in American history. Between 1968 and 1972, the world watched in awe each time an American spacecraft voyaged to the Moon. Only 12 American men walked upon its surface and they remain the only human beings to have stood on another world. Now for the first, and very possibly the last, time, In the Shadow of the Moon combines archival material from the original NASA film footage, much of it never before seen, with interviews with the surviving astronauts, including Jim Lovell (Apollo 8 and 13), Dave Scott (Apollo 9 and 15), John Young (Apollo 10 and 16), Gene Cernan (Apollo 10 and 17), Mike Collins (Apollo 11), Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11), Alan Bean (Apollo 12), Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14), Charlie Duke (Apollo 16) and Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17). The astronauts emerge as eloquent, witty, emotional and very human.
UK Release November 2, 2007. 
official website

STARRING: Jim Lovell, Dave Szcott, John Young, Gene Cernan, Mike Collins, Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Edgar Mitchell, Charlie Duke, Harrison Schmitt
DIRECTOR: David Sington
RATING: PG (For language and scary situations involving astronauts in outer space)

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Top tags here: vertigo, poster, apollo, shadow, film, movie